Home Central Africa Burundi government invites opposition members in exile

Burundi government invites opposition members in exile


The Burundian government has invited all opposition members in exile to return home and participate in the forthcoming 2020 general elections. The move by President Pierre Nkurunziza’s administration and the ruling party is an effort to address the accusations of exclusions and to bring political stability ahead of the elections. It is also important to note that the president had announced last year that he will not contest after his controversial term ends in 2020.

Radio Isanganiro reported, a couple of weeks back that Burundi’s exiled opposition coalition will contest elections scheduled for 2020 and called on the government to enable members to return to the Central African country. The group is known as National Council for Respect of the Arusha Agreement (CNARED), an alliance of opposition leaders outside the country, CNARED, however, is not a legally recognized political organization. Responding to the announcement, Mr Sindimwo’s the vice president invited them back to the country.

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