Home Pan Africa AU’s effort to nurture democracy in young minds

AU’s effort to nurture democracy in young minds


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· African Union is taking special care for nurturing democracy in the continent. In this regard, it had organized an Innovation Accelerator for the young African Innovators focused on promoting democracy and governance on the continent

· It is aimed at building capacity for the continent’s most promising digital and non-digital innovators by exposing them to a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills to enable them to scale their innovations, create partnerships and explore opportunities on the continent.

· From the pitch sessions, AGA and COMESA will now proceed to a selection process of the final Top 5 innovators who will be accorded continental recognition by the African Union

African Union is taking special care for nurturing democracy in the continent. In this regard, it had organized an Innovation Accelerator for the young African Innovators focused on promoting democracy and governance on the continent. The just concluded intense program was aimed at bridging the gaps in technical skills needed to stimulate growth and expansion of their innovative solutions.

The Accelerator program tailor-made for the selected Top 20 innovators on the Youth Innovation Challenge on Democracy and Governance in Africa is a project by the African Union led by the African Governance Architecture (AGA) to build capacity for the continent’s most promising digital and non-digital innovators by exposing them to a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills to enable them scale their innovations, create partnerships and explore opportunities on the continent.

The Accelerator provides a forum for the innovators, incubation centers and hubs for interaction and benefit from the insights from experts and coaches. The virtual accelerator program was implemented under the AGA – COMESA joint project on youth engagement in democratic governance and sociology economic development processes in Africa and supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and AfriLabs.

From the pitch sessions, AGA and COMESA will now proceed to a selection process of the final Top 5 innovators who will be accorded continental recognition by the African Union. They can also benefit from exposure to other opportunities relevant to their innovation. The unveiling of the TOP 5 will be held on the 9th High Level Dialogue on Democracy, Human rights and Governance scheduled to be held virtually from 10-11 December 2020.

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