Home East Africa AU Appoints Mediator to End Tensions Between Somalia and Ethiopia

AU Appoints Mediator to End Tensions Between Somalia and Ethiopia


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The African Union’s Peace and Security Council (PSC) has entrusted former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo with negotiation efforts to end tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia

The African Union’s Peace and Security Council (PSC) has entrusted former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo with negotiation efforts to end tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia. The secessionist region of Somaliland signed an agreement with Ethiopia on 1st January, granting the latter control over a maritime port and a military base on the Red Sea. As a retaliation to the move, Somalia declared its readiness to go to war. Tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia are not new. Back in 1977, there was a dispute over territory, and in 2006, Ethiopia invaded Somalia as part of the fight against terrorism.

By allowing Ethiopia access to its territory, Somaliland hopes to gain recognition for its status as an independent state. It broke away from mainland Somalia in 1991. The voluntary union of the two regions took place in 1960. Somalia turned away an Ethiopian flight bound for Somaliland, carrying representatives of the Ethiopian government.

The PSC has called on the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Federal Republic of Somalia to adhere to the fundamental principles of the AU and international law and draw inspiration from them in their bilateral and international relations.  The African Union considers Somaliland a province of Somalia. While designating Obasanjo, the PSC has also urged against interference by other countries in the matter. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) convened an extraordinary summit recently in Kampala, Uganda, to discuss the issue.

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However, Somalia has declared that it will not engage in any discussions with Ethiopia unless the latter reverses its 1st January agreement with Somaliland. It feels that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia have been violated by Ethiopia when it signed an illegal agreement with the northern region [the administration of Somaliland] of Somalia. It feels that there is no room for mediation. The pre-condition for any talk seems to be Ethiopia reversing its illegal agreement and reaffirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia.