Home Global Ties Angolan President Holds Parleys with Biden at Oval Office

Angolan President Holds Parleys with Biden at Oval Office


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President Joe Biden received Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço to the Oval Office. Both the US and Angola reaffirmed their dedication to working together. Africa despite the two ongoing wars dominating the Biden administration’s foreign policy focus.

President Joe Biden received Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço to the Oval Office. Both the US and Angola reaffirmed their dedication to working together. Africa despite the two ongoing wars dominating the Biden administration’s foreign policy focus.

Angola is a  strategic ally of the United States. Under President Lourenço’s leadership, the country has come out from the Russian and Chinese influence; a fact Washington recognizes amidst changing geopolitical challenges. The U.S. officials have undertaken crucial trips to Africa throughout 2023, although Biden himself has yet to announce his Africa visit as promised.

Biden emphasized at the meeting the significance of the moment and stated that  America was fully committed to Africa and Angola. President Lourenço commended Biden’s approach to the continent and expressed his country’s interest in fostering stronger economic and security connections with the United States.

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President Lourenço had been urging Biden administration officials to arrange this meeting for months, cautioning that the absence of such a high-profile engagement could potentially jeopardize Angola’s commitment to collaboration with the U.S.