(4 minutes read)
The political situation is fast changing in South Africa after the parliament committee’s finding that President Ramaphosa may be involved in a criminal breach by concealing theft from his farm. An urgent meeting of South Africa’s ruling party to discuss the future of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has been delayed since there is a volley of demands for his resignation.
The political situation is fast changing in South Africa after the parliament committee’s finding that President Ramaphosa may be involved in a criminal breach by concealing theft from his farm. An urgent meeting of South Africa’s ruling party to discuss the future of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has been delayed since there is a volley of demands for his resignation.
The African National Congress’s national executive committee on last Friday was expected to discuss a parliamentary report which suggested Ramaphosa may have violated anti-corruption laws related to the theft in 2020 of millions of dollars that had been stashed in a couch. The committee has the power to force the president to resign and has done so in the past.
The party’s treasurer-general, Paul Mashatile, told the press that top ANC officials would discuss the report before reconvening ahead of a parliamentary debate held on Tuesday 6, December. As reported by www.trendsnafrica.com,lawmakers are expected to debate the report and vote on whether to proceed with an impeachment process.
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Ramaphosa has denied any wrongdoing. He maintains that the stolen money proceeded from the sale of animals at his farm and that he was not involved in any criminal conduct. However, the parliamentary report questioned his explanation as well as the source of the money and questioned why it wasn’t disclosed to financial authorities. It also points out the conflict of interest between his business and official responsibilities. Significantly, the president still has some support within the ruling party’s national executive committee and its parliamentary caucus.