Home West Africa Africans should be paid slavery reparations -Ghana’s President

Africans should be paid slavery reparations -Ghana’s President


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Speaking at the Reparations and Racial Healing Summit held recently, Ghana’s President Akufo-Addo urged slavery reparations to Africa including the African diaspora, and added that it was long overdue. This, he underlined, was the compensation for the ethnic groups who were wronged historically.

Speaking at the Reparations and Racial Healing Summit held recently, Ghana’s President Akufo-Addo urged slavery reparations to Africa including the African diaspora, and added that it was long overdue. This, he underlined, was the compensation for the ethnic groups who were wronged historically.

In a hard-hitting speech, Ghana’s president said native Americans had received and continue to receive reparations; Japanese-American families, who were incarcerated in internment camps in America during World War II, received reparations. Jewish people, six million of whom perished in the concentration camps of Hitler’s Germany, received reparations, including homeland grants and support.  The owners of enslaved Africans received reparations to the tune of 20 million pounds sterling. However, he stressed, enslaved Africans themselves did not receive a penny.

Haiti also had to pay reparations amounting to US$21 billion to French slaveholders in 1825 following the Haitian Revolution. Mentioning the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its consequences, which had spanned many centuries, the President stressed, should receive their due and added that the time was long overdue to discuss payment of reparations.

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The President also stressed that the entire continent of Africa deserved a formal apology from the European nations involved in the slave trade for the crimes and damage it had caused to the population, psyche, image, and character of the Africans the world over.

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