Home Pan Africa African Development Bank launches African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)

African Development Bank launches African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)


· The African Development Bank along with other development partners virtually launched this year’s African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) Agribusiness Deal Room on 29th June.

· Organized by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, this fourth edition of the Agribusiness Deal Room offers a matchmaking platform to connect some 4,000 agripreneurs to investment and networking opportunities specifically providing governments and companies access to finance and partnership opportunities.

The African Development Bank along with other development partners virtually launched this year’s African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) Agribusiness Deal Room on 29th June. The Bank was represented by its incoming Vice President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development, Dr. Beth Dunford, and Director for Agricultural Finance and Rural Infrastructure Development Atsuko Toda at the Forum.

Organized by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, this fourth edition of the Agribusiness Deal Room offers a matchmaking platform to connect some 4,000 agripreneurs to investment and networking opportunities specifically providing governments and companies’ access to finance and partnership opportunities. The AFDB is one of the 24 Agribusiness Deal Room partners that bring complementary capabilities, resources, and networks to the platform.

The AGRF’s agriculture In her keynote address at the virtual session, Dr. Dunford said that Africa has a surging class of “agripreneurs” who are seeking investment, partnerships, technical knowhow and financing to scale up their business. She added that the Agribusiness Deal Room will supplement AFDB’s endeavor to enhance finance for agribusiness and boost the capacity of small and medium enterprises to grow and attract new and innovative sources of sustainable capital.

This year’s AGRF Agribusiness Deal Room will focus on addressing the challenges in agricultural lending to small and medium enterprises.

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