Home Northern Africa News in brief –Egypt

News in brief –Egypt


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·        The Egyptian supply minister asserted that the supply offices
in the governorates have been upgraded to become citizens service
centers, noting that out of 535 centers targeted to be developed
nationwide. Of that,  130 centers have been finalized. Cooperation
among all bodies amid the coronavirus crisis helped the supply system
overcome this crisis without problems, he added. .There had been about
68 million citizens registered as part of the subsidy card system
before the filtering process, he said, adding that 70 million citizens
are now registered in the system. A sum of EGP 89 billion is allocated
from the state budget to support the ministry, he noted.

·        Remittances from Egyptian expatriates rose to US$800 million
during the first quarter of 2019/2020 to record $6.7 billion, compared
to $5.9 billion during the same period of 2018/2019, according to
official data. Official transfers recorded about $63.5 million in the
first quarter of the fiscal year 19/20, compared to $47.7 million in
the same quarter of the fiscal year 18/19, marking an increase of
about $15.8 million While the volume of private transfers reached
about LE 6630 million, compared to LE 5861 million during the compared
period, marking an increase of about 4769 million. Remittances from
Egyptian expatriates jumped 33.6 percent or $1.3 billion during the
first two months of 2020 to record $5.2 billion, compared to $3.9
billion during the same months of 2019, according to the Central Bank
of Egypt (CBE).

·        The Egyptian Cabinet approved a draft law stipulating a
deduction of 1 percent of the net income of workers in all sectors of
the state for a period of 12 months, starting from the first of July,
to contribute to facing the economic repercussions of coronavirus. The
Cabinet said, in a statement, that the law also included a deduction
of 0.5 percent of the net income due from the pension of pensioners.
It added that the draft law includes workers in the state’s
administrative apparatus, government agencies, and the public and
private sectors.

·        Government investments during the past 3 years amounted to LE
40 billion, according to Egyptian Minister of Planning and Economic
Development Hala el-Saeed.  Saeed added, Wednesday, that the Egyptian
state has implemented the programs and performance budgets, which are
the main pillar in the effectiveness of employing the available
resources in the country, and ensuring the achievement of
gender-responsive budgets, which aim to achieve equal opportunities
between the sexes in benefiting from programs funded by the state
budget. She emphasized that women have a sustainable development
agenda: Egypt’s vision 2030 which has a large share of interest in
order to enable it at all levels, pointing to the consideration of
gender considerations in all strategic axes. She pointed out the
importance of highlighting the shift towards a green economy as a tool
for achieving sustainable development and creating new investment
opportunities for companies, as well as highlighting the efforts of
the Egyptian state in settling sustainable development goals.

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