Home Pan Africa News in brief

News in brief


 (3 minutes read)

Inq Holdings, formerly Synergy Communications (SynCom), has
acquired Vodacom Business Africa’s operations in Nigeria, Zambia, and
Cote d’Ivoire.  It also   plans to acquire the operations in Cameroon.
Mauritius-based Inq’s regional footprint as an enterprise service
provider,  now spans  to thirteen cities in seven countries of Africa,
including existing operations in Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique. Very
soon, the company will have an intense and unified pan-African
presence as a cloud and digital service provider, in  areas like Edge,
Artificial Intelligence, NFV and Cloud.

The  two-year ban on cruise ships by the government of Seychelles has
been welcomed even by sectors of society in the island nation that
depend on the arrival of tourists for their livelihood.
Notwithstanding what some businesses hold that the decision will lead
to tough economic times,  the ministry for Tourism, Civil Aviation,
Ports and Marine said the ban is part of measures to prevent and
minimise the impact of another outbreak of COVID-19 in the country.

The Financial Services Authority of Seychelles is paying a dividend of
SCR25 million (US $1.4 million) to the government for the first
quarter of 2020. This is  a significant increase to its SCR7 million
(US $400,000) for the same period ayear ago. The tourism, the main
economic activity, is at a standstill with the closure of Seychelles’

The president of Mozambique’s Confederation of Economic Associations
(CTA) says that the Council of Ministers Decree 23/2020, which
approves tax and customs facilities to relieve the effect of Covid-19
on companies’ finances, is “impracticable” and majority of firms will
get affected by the order. . The organization  complained that the
decree excludes a large number of domestic companies with turnover of
more than 2.5 million meticais.  According to the association, there
are 15,000 companies which have business volumes over 2.5 million
meticais, and so will not benefit from these government tax

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