(3 Minutes Read)
The regulator said that the temporary suspension was because the platform was being misused to perpetuate criminal activities, including compromising the integrity of the ongoing national examinations.
The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has directed telecommunications companies to “use all available mechanisms to suspend the operation of Telegram in Kenya” to curb exam cheating.
Telegram users began noting restrictions on the platform earlier this week on various networks. Internet observatory Netblocks confirmed restrictions on Telegram on Safaricom. The platform has been restricted before, with the most recent being in November 2023 for the same reasons, which was estimated to have cost the country KSh 4.2bn.
In a letter addressed to the CEOs of Safaricom, Telkom Kenya, and Jamii Telecom and the Managing Director of Airtel Kenya, dated October 31st 2024, the regulator said that the temporary suspension was because the platform was being misused to perpetuate criminal activities, including compromising on the integrity of the ongoing national examinations.
The regulator wants the temporary suspension during exam hours, which range from 7.00 am to 10.00 am, and from 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm on weekdays until November 22nd.
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During the last similar incident in November 2023, Netblocks estimated that businesses lost Ksh 537mn in foregone sales and benefits every day. At the time, six people who served as administrators of Telegram channels were detained for exam malpractices.