Home West Africa Nigeria Suspects Russian Involvement in Recent Protests: Russia Denies

Nigeria Suspects Russian Involvement in Recent Protests: Russia Denies

Nigeria Suspects Russian Involvement in Recent Protests: Russia Denies

(3 Minutes Read)

Protests against economic hardship have persisted in several Nigerian states despite the president calling for an end to the demonstrations. In the crackdown on protesters, at least 13 people have been reported dead.

There are concerns expressed by various sources that Russia is involved in the ongoing demonstrations in Nigeria, which is denied by the latter. However, it is reported that some protesters have been seen wielding Russian flags as they demonstrate in various states in Nigeria.

Authorities in the country have termed the act treasonous to the country’s sovereignty. The Russian embassy in Nigeria has distanced itself from allegations that it is influencing the demos.

Protests against economic hardship have persisted in several Nigerian states despite the president calling for an end to the demonstrations. In the crackdown on protesters, at least 13 people have been reported dead. Nigerian security forces have been accused of using excessive force in the protests. President Bola Tinubu met with security chiefs in Abuja’s capital. After reports of looting, a curfew was declared in northern Kaduna state — the sixth state to take such a measure since the protests began. Tinubu said his government was committed to addressing citizens’ concerns but did not spell out any plans.

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What that raised speculations about the Russian involvement was a few protesters were seen waving Russian flags in northern Nigeria, whose population is among the worst affected. The Russian embassy in Nigeria denied any responsibility, saying in a statement that the flags were personal choices of the protesters and “do not reflect any official position or policy of the Russian Government. Meanwhile, military authorities in Nigeria said carrying the Russian flag is treason and violates the sovereignty of the country.