Home Pan Africa Spain’s Parliament to Vote on Controversial Asylum Bill

Spain’s Parliament to Vote on Controversial Asylum Bill

Spain’s Parliament to Vote on Controversial Asylum Bill

(3 Minutes Read)

Under Spanish law, the regional authorities where the children arrive are responsible for their guardianship. But the Canary Islands government says it is overwhelmed, with more than 5,500 minors.

Spain’s parliament will vote on a proposed bill that would force other regions to take responsibility for some of the minors. A legislative proposal would force other regions to take responsibility for some of the minors currently stuck on the Canaries in dire conditions.

The bill has sparked a national political crisis and there is no guarantee it will pass. The conservative Popular Party, the leading opposition to Spain’s left-wing national government, is torn. It is the junior member of the Canary Islands government and is being urged by its senior partner, the Canary Coalition party, to support the deal. However, the far-right Vox party, which rails against irregular migration and particularly unaccompanied minors, is threatening to withdraw from its coalition governments in other regions if the Popular Party accepts any deal to relocate underage migrants, even voluntarily.

Under Spanish law, the regional authorities where the children arrive are responsible for their guardianship. But the Canary Islands government says it is overwhelmed, with more than 5,500 minors.  The Canary Islands lack physical space.  but the regional government is struggling to hire professionals trained to work with the young migrants on the islands located some 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) from mainland Spain.

As a result, the children and teenagers languishing on the islands are not receiving the protections they are entitled to under Spanish and European law, including education and healthcare. Spanish media have reported overcrowded centers as well as cases of abuse and mistreatment.

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Nearly 20,000 men, women, and children have reached the Canaries so far this year, a 160% increase from 2023. And that’s even before the high season for migrant crossings begins in the fall, Candil added.