Home Southern Africa Zambia’s Labor Ministry Suspends Amendment to Employment Code

Zambia’s Labor Ministry Suspends Amendment to Employment Code

Zambia’s Labor Ministry Suspends Amendment to Employment Code

(3 Minutes Read)

Zambia’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security has withdrawn and suspended the amendment of the Employment Code Act number 3 of 2019, announced Labour Minister Brenda Tambatamba.

Zambia’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security has withdrawn and suspended the amendment of the Employment Code Act number 3 of 2019, announced  Labour Minister Brenda Tambatamba.  The Minister has noted the broader interest generated across different sections of society by the proposed amendments.

Tambatamba stated that the UPND and its alliance partners have decided to withdraw the proposed amendments from the Ministry of Justice and suspend consultations until further notice. This decision underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring that any legislative changes reflect the interests and concerns of all stakeholders.

Tambatamba emphasized that the government remains dedicated to promoting a decent work agenda for all workers. This commitment is anchored on a robust, sound, and sustainable economic transformation agenda.

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The suspension of the amendments will allow for further dialogue and consideration to ensure that the Employment Code Act serves the best interests of both workers and employers in Zambia.