Home East Africa Rwanda Ready to Go to War with DRC-Paul Kagame

Rwanda Ready to Go to War with DRC-Paul Kagame

Rwanda Ready to Go to War with DRC-Paul Kagame

(3 Minutes Read)

Kagame prepares for a fourth term in the upcoming July 15 presidential election. However, he denied that the election was rigged and rejected accusations of repressing and assassinating opponents. He asserted his government’s commitment to free and fair elections.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame threatened  Rwanda’s readiness to go to war with the Democratic Republic of Congo, if necessary while giving an interview to a French TV channel.

Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi, claimed Rwanda is organizing a genocide in Eastern DRC. Kagame responded by accusing Tshisekedi of promoting a genocidal ideology against Congolese Tutsis. Kagame also refused to confirm the presence of Rwandan soldiers in the DRC, emphasizing the need to address the root causes of regional tensions.

Kagame prepares for a fourth term in the upcoming July 15 presidential election. However, he denied that the election was rigged and rejected accusations of repressing and assassinating opponents. He asserted his government’s commitment to free and fair elections.

These statements underscore the rising tensions between Rwanda and the DRC and highlight the challenges facing Kagame as the election approaches.

The decades-long conflict in eastern Congo has produced one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with over 100 armed groups fighting in the region, most for land and control of mines with valuable minerals. Some are fighting to try to protect their communities. Many groups are accused of carrying out mass killings, rapes and other human rights violations.

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The violence has displaced about 7 million people, including thousands living in temporary camps like the one that was attacked last month. Many others are beyond the reach of aid.