Home Central Africa Vital Kamerhe New Speaker of DRC Ending Speculation

Vital Kamerhe New Speaker of DRC Ending Speculation

Vital Kamerhe New Speaker of DRC Ending Speculation

(3 Minutes Read)

A veteran of Congolese politics, the 65-year-old Vital Kamerhe became allies with Tshisekedi in 2018 when he withdrew his candidacy for president.  His Union for the Congolese Nation party also played a key role in helping Tshisekedi dismantle a coalition with his predecessor Joseph Kabila in 2020.

 DRC President Felix Tshisekedi allay Vital Kamerhe, who was speaker of the national assembly between 2006 and 2009, was elected to the same position. This ends months of bickering and a threat by the President to dissolve parliament.

A veteran of Congolese politics, the 65-year-old Vital Kamerhe became allies with Tshisekedi in 2018 when he withdrew his candidacy for president.  His Union for the Congolese Nation party also played a key role in helping Tshisekedi dismantle a coalition with his predecessor Joseph Kabila in 2020.

But Kamerhe who served as Tshisekedi’s chief of staff was soon arrested and sentenced to 20 years in jail for embezzlement. In 2022, he was acquitted on appeal and released. In 2023, Kamerhe returned to Tshisekedi’s cabinet as minister of the economy just in time for the election in which Tshisekedi won a second term as president.

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His election as speaker of parliament paves the way for the formation of a new government.