Home East Africa Abiy invokes Eritrean president as the Nobel Prize receiving ceremony

Abiy invokes Eritrean president as the Nobel Prize receiving ceremony


At the Nobel prize award ceremony, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed hailed Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki describing him as a “partner and comrade in peace” and recalled the role  both had played in signing the peace treaty in Asmara in 2018.

Abiy praised the Eritrean leader in his address after receiving the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize on Tuesday at Oslo’s City Hall. The Ethio-Eritrea peace deal was  considered as the major achievement  of Abiy, which  made him eligible for the coveted award. He dedicated the award to both Ethiopians and Eritreans, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of peace. “Likewise, I accept this award on behalf of my partner and comrade in peace, (Eritrean) president Isaias Afwerki,” Abiy said, which received a wild round of applause from the audience.

Analysts term the statement of Abiy as a major diplomatic overture to gain confidence of the Eritreans and its President. For ensuring sustainable peace in the region and for the free flow of goods from land-locked Ethiopia to destinations in  the Horn of Africa like Djibouti and Eritrea, which are endowed with port facilities, there should be greater degree of cordiality and accommodation among the countries in the region.  After signing the historical accord for peace, there were skirmishes like closing the border gates that separate between Ethiopia and Eritrea to prevent smuggling of goods from both the countries.

Specifically referring to  the issues in the Horn of Africa region, at the award ceremony,  Abiy said that militant groups and global military powers pose a threat to peace and stability in the region, which is evolving. The Horn of Africa today is a region of strategic significance. The global military superpowers, he said, are expanding their military presence in the area. It may be noted that despite the peace efforts, Abiy is facing criticism over his attempts to impose unity – including forming a single national political party.

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