Home West Africa Togo to Hold Legislative and Regional Elections

Togo to Hold Legislative and Regional Elections


(3 minutes read)

The Togolese government, led by President Faure Gnassingbé, proposes to hold legislative and regional elections in the first quarter of 2024. Earlier, back in 2022, the president in his last New Year Address said that elections would take place in December 2023. The last legislative and regional elections were held in 2018, which was boycotted by the opposition citing electoral.

The opposition has been critical of the ruling Union for the Republic Party. The recent electoral census conducted from April 29 to June 14, drew significant public participation, particularly at voter card distribution centers. The opposition contested the integrity of the electoral census.

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However, the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) validated the final electoral register in mid-November. The OIF felt the census was reliable to allow for the holding of the upcoming regional and legislative elections under conditions of trust.