Home Southern Africa Madagascar’s Opposition Parties Refuse to Recognize Election Results

Madagascar’s Opposition Parties Refuse to Recognize Election Results


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The opposition collectively said that they would not recognize the results of the illegitimate election, riddled with irregularities

Madagascar’s opposition announced that it would not recognize the results of the first round of the presidential election. The opposition collectively said that they would not recognize the results of the illegitimate election, riddled with irregularities. The statement was issued by 11 opposition parties. Of that, 10 parties had boycotted the elections on the grounds that they feared that it would not be free and fair. The election was held on November 16.

Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko, who participated in the election co-signed the statement, highlighting worrying anomalies in the conduct of the election.  The Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) is due to announce the provisional consolidated results of the first round of the presidential election. The CENI website showed more than 91% of ballots counted. The incumbent president Andry Rajoelina was still leading by a wide margin with 59.52 of these votes, allowing him to envisage winning the election in the first round. Elected in 2018, Andry Rajoelina first came to power in 2009 when a mutiny ousted former president Marc Ravalomanana.

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According to a CENI estimate, some 60% of registered voters failed to turn out on November 16. The Opposition parties alleged that the election was not free and fair and therefore appealed to the people to treat it null and void.