Home Central Africa Rwandan opposition Leader announces launch of new political party

Rwandan opposition Leader announces launch of new political party


Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire has announced that she plans to launch a new political party,  called Dalfa Umurunzi (Development And Liberty For All). The

ruling party of Rwanda led by President Paul Kagame has no real rival. Victoire’s previous party FDU-Inkingi, which was founded while she was in exile in 2016, was not recognised by the ruling government. She was released from prison last year after receiving a presidential pardon from Kagame.

Announcing her decision to launch a new party, Ingabire , said that in spite of the narrow political space in Rwanda, she was ready to fulfill all legal requirements for registration and conduct  activities in accordance to the laws. She accused the President of suppressing freedom of speech, repressing the opposition and neglecting the country’s poor.

 Victoire Ingabire returned from exile in The The Netherlands planning to run for the presidential election in 2010 as the leader of FDU-Inkingi. However, Ingabire, an ethnic Hutu was accused of “genocide ideology” and “divisiveness” after objecting to the government version of the 1994 genocide and sentenced to more than a decade in jail .In September last year She was unexpectedly released. Many FDU-Inkingi members have disappeared or been killed in mysterious circumstances over the last few years.  Rwanda is constitutionally a multi-party system, but with practically no opposition. Most of the recognised parties support the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). Paul Kagame has ruled as President since his rebel army stopped the genocide in 1994. He has been winning re-election with more than 90% majority. Though he is acknowledged for his contribution for bringing stability and economic growth to Rwanda he is often criticised for restricting political freedom.

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