Home Northern Africa Libya’s power supply improves considerably thanks to wider use of batteries and...

Libya’s power supply improves considerably thanks to wider use of batteries and better planning


(3 minutes read)

Libyans are now enjoying a stable electricity supply in the capital, Tripoli, during the summer. The power cuts continued for years had grossly affected public life and businesses

Libyans are now enjoying a stable electricity supply in the capital, Tripoli, during the summer. The power cuts that continued for years had grossly affected public life and businesses. The suspension of power cuts marks a significant improvement for Tripoli dwellers. Tripoli has invested heavily in batteries to address the frequent power cuts, while the more affluent people have bought powerful but noisy, polluting, and diesel-guzzling generators, expending several thousand euros.

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The General Electricity Company resorted to lengthy load shedding during peak seasons. Power cuts could last 20 hours at a time in the capital. The temperature in normal summer times hovers over 40 degrees Celsius, making life unbearable.

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People living in Tripoli say that there have been marked improvements in electricity supply.  Yet, there are still some issues related to strengthening the electrical grid. Libya has struggled with constant power shortages due to a damaged electrical network resulting from armed conflicts and looting. The improvements in the electricity position are due to a number of factors including the recent restructuring in the management of Gecol, coupled with a relative calm after years of war. This positive development has also encouraged foreign companies to resume projects that had been stalled for years.