Home East Africa Ruto blames the opposition for violent strikes: Blames its effect on economy

Ruto blames the opposition for violent strikes: Blames its effect on economy


(3 minutes read) 

Kenya’s President Ruto reiterated his warning to the opposition coalition which called for a 3-day anti-government protests, after three days of protests and accused the opposition of sabotaging the economy with recurrent protests. He took on the opposition for sabotaging the economy using violence and destruction of property

Kenya’s President Ruto reiterated his warning to the opposition coalition which called for a 3-day anti-government protests, after three days of protests and accused the opposition of sabotaging the economy with recurrent protests. He took on the opposition for sabotaging the economy using violence and destruction of property.

Police fired tear gas and live rounds in Kibera, Nairobi’s biggest slum, as protesters threw back projectiles. Shops and schools reopened in Kenya, and the capital’s business district, largely shuttered on Wednesday, also resumed activity Thursday morning. Kenya Private Sector Alliance said it estimated that each day of protest cost the economy an average of three billion shillings ($21.8 million).

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Last week’s protests left more than six people dead and many others injured, including 53 children who went into shock after tear gas was thrown inside their school compound.