Home Global Ties Russia -Africa Summit to be attended by over 40 heads of state

Russia -Africa Summit to be attended by over 40 heads of state


Russia is upbeat about the forthcoming Russia-Africa Summit to be held in Sochi next month (October). Already, 35 leaders of African countries have officially confirmed their participation in the first ever Russia-Africa Summit.  Russia expects more heads of state to participate at the event. The numbers can swell over 40, according to people in the know-how of things.

The Russia-Africa summit will be the first in a series of activities under the aegis of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Ministry of Energy, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, as well as legislative bodies and public organizations. A number of foreign countries notably China, the United States, European Union, India, France, Turkey, Japan, and South Korea have held similar gatherings primarily to up their presence in the African continent. Russia is a latest entry to this format of economic dialogue. .

The  Russia-Africa forum is the brain child Russian President Putin conceived at the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit in Johannesburg in July 2018. This  summit is designed to enhance mutual multifaceted ties, reshape diplomatic relationships and significantly rollout ways to increase effectiveness of cooperation between Russia and Africa.

Policy experts have suggested that the Kremlin has to substantiate its future African policy agenda with consistency, activeness and support, and enhance its participation in the economic development of Africa. Major trends of Africa’s development have to be taken into consideration in shaping policies and incorporated in the final summit resolutions and declarations.

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