Home Southern Africa Revenue collections in Mozambique lookup

Revenue collections in Mozambique lookup


(3 minutes read)

The president of the Tax Authority (AT) of Mozambique, Amélia Muendane, announced  that the provisional gross revenue collection of the southern African country by the end of 2022 was 301.84 billion meticais, well above the established target.

Last year, the Budget set the annual target for tax and customs revenues at 293.92 billion meticais. This represents a nominal growth of 10.7% compared to 2021.

Speaking recently at a meeting, Amélia Muendane recalled the net target for the present year was set at 357 billion meticais. In effect, it was an increase in gross terms of 73.49 billion meticais in relation to the target for 2022.

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The Tax Authority 2020 introduced the National Vision of the Taxpayer of the Future 2020-2040, an integrated plan of tax education and citizenship for taxpayers and potential contributors on their participation in the active construction of a fair, efficient, and transparent tax system. For the Tax Authority, 2022 was a year of challenges consequent upon the ongoing macroeconomic hangover from the impact of successive economic and health shocks resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

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