Home East Africa US experts discount Ethiopian Inquiry Committee findings Boeing 737 MAX...

US experts discount Ethiopian Inquiry Committee findings Boeing 737 MAX crash


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A new spin on the crash of Boeing-made aircraft at the Bole International Airport of Ethiopia is developing, following the report submitted by the inquiry team appointed by the Ethiopian government

A new spin on the crash of Boeing-made aircraft at the Bole International Airport of Ethiopia is developing, following the report submitted by the inquiry team appointed by the Ethiopian government. The US air crash investigators have challenged the conclusions of an Ethiopian inquiry into the Boeing 737 Max crash. The crash had taken place nearly four years ago in Addis Ababa.

The US experts argue that the Ethiopian inquiry focusses on technical issues and seemingly overlooked the actions of the crew. The accident was the second involving a Boeing 737 Max in the space of five months, which led to the worldwide grounding of all aircraft of this configuration, leading to disruptions in air services across the world.

The accident was initially attributed to technical failure. It was reported to be a failure of a sensor that triggered a number of automated procedures that ultimately led to the accident. While not rejecting the conclusions of the Ethiopian inquiry, the considered view of the US investigators is that more analysis is required to examine human factors and inadequate pilot response. It may be recalled that the US aircraft manufacturer had settled the compensations due to the heirs of passengers, crews, and the airlines-the Ethiopian- which was overseen by the US Federal Court.

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It may be recalled, as reported by www.trendsnafrica.com, the Ethiopian has been granted a loan by the US EXIM Bank for the acquisition of more aircraft including MAX 737.

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