Home Northern Africa Saudi Arabia and Egypt explore cooperation in Tourism

Saudi Arabia and Egypt explore cooperation in Tourism

  • Saudi Arabia and Egypt are exploring closer bilateral partnerships and promoting regional cooperation in the tourism sector.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are exploring closer bilateral partnerships and promoting regional cooperation in the tourism sector.

 Minister of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt, Ahmed Issa met Director General of International Relations at the Saudi Ministry of Tourism, Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Musallam, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 25th meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council for Tourism at the Arab League in Cairo.

The proposed areas under the cooperation include initiating tourism initiatives, tourism education, training, the development of tourism activities and joint marketing programmes.

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The Saudi delegation included Vice President of the Saudi Red Sea Authority for Digital Transformation, Khalid bin Fahd Al-Thunayan; Advisor for International Relations, Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al-Gharib; and Advisor to the President of the Red Sea Authority, Ayman Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim. The Egyptian delegation included, Deputy Minister for Tourism Affairs, Ghada Shalaby, and Assistant Minister for Technical Affairs, Youmna Al-Bahar.

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