Home Pan Africa Demonstrations galore at climate summit venue

Demonstrations galore at climate summit venue


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Demonstrations at the venue of the COP27 have been taking place at regular intervals, mostly by climate activists. In a demonstration, in which a good number of activists took part at the venue of the summit in Egypt, they urged countries to stop funding new gas projects in Africa

Demonstrations at the venue of the COP27 have been taking place at regular intervals, mostly by climate activists. In a demonstration, in which a good number of activists took part at the venue of the summit in Egypt, they urged countries to stop funding new gas projects in Africa.

 This demand had cropped up against the backdrop of western nations looking elsewhere to shore up their supply because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict that disrupted the supply from traditional sources. The climate activists on the sidelines of the summit told journalists that if the leaders of the west supported any African country in building infrastructure for mining out oil or gas, they were not real supporters of clean energy. Hey reminded the political bigwigs from the west to be climate leaders since they were all signatories to bringing the carbon emission to the 1.5 degrees Celsius target. Any support to find new sources of fossil fuel would be against the promise they have made to be part of the green movement.   Countries agreed in the 2015 Paris climate accord to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century if possible.

Worldwide there is an increased demand for gas as the supplies from Russia dried up because of the sanctions. In their scramble for restoring gas supply, the west is knocking at the doors of oil-producing countries in Africa, especially Algeria, Nigeria, Morocco, and Mozambique, and the list is getting longer. Importantly, a new project now, the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Project, for taking gas from Nigeria through Morocco to Europe being conceived, which is billed as one of the longest heated pipelines in the world.

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There are also allegations by climate activists that the summit has a strong representation of the oil lobby, who are also major sponsors of the event, thereby eroding the credibility of the summit. Activists also said that they had counted over 600 delegates to the summit having connections with the oil lobby.  Activists groups, which include some climate scientists warned that the new fossil fuel projects would push global temperatures to dangerous highs.

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