Home East Africa The US inertia on Kenya-US FTA irks businesses

The US inertia on Kenya-US FTA irks businesses


·      There has also been growing disquiet among Businessmen in Kenya and US  about the Biden administration’s delay in concluding the free trade agreement with Kenya.

·       Kenya wants to close the deal with the US before the expiry of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which allows tariff and quota-free export of products to the US from sub-Saharan Africa.

·       The proposal initiated by the prior administration underwent review after Biden took over and was directed to be recast to include Biden’s agenda.


There has also been growing disquiet among Businessmen in Kenya and US  about the Biden administration’s delay in concluding the free trade agreement with Kenya. Kenya wants to close the deal with the US before the expiry of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which allows tariff and quota-free export of products to the US from sub-Saharan Africa.  The proposal initiated by the prior administration underwent review after Biden took over and was directed to be recast to include Biden’s agenda.

The American Corn Refiners Association (CRA), has cautioned that further delay will lead to loss of business to China and urged President Joe Biden’s administration and Congress to expedite the deal trade deals . Even after several months of review, the pursuit of new trade agreements is still pending. Further, the potential for new trade agreements has taken a back seat with the expiration of the Trade Promotion Authority last June a key tool for expediting approvals of new trade agreements in Congress.

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