Home Southern Africa Zambia’s food inflation at standstill

Zambia’s food inflation at standstill


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·        Zambia’s food inflation for July, 2021 was recorded at 31.2 percent , It’s the same as that recorded in June 2021, according to  Statistics Agency (ZamStats), interim statistician General Mulenga Musepa


·        Mupesa said  that the non-movement of the food inflation was mainly attributed to the relative price stability for food items  like dried Kapenta like Mpulungu, Siavonga and Chisense, Cooking Oil and Vegetables such as Rape, Tomatoes, Cabbage, dried bean

·        Prices of cooking oil, meat products, eggs and dried Kapenta are still ruling high

Zambia’s food inflation for July, 2021 was recorded at 31.2 percent , It’s the same as that recorded in June 2021, according to  Statistics Agency (ZamStats), interim statistician General Mulenga Musepa .

Mupesa said  that the non-movement of the food inflation was mainly attributed to the relative price stability for food items  like dried Kapenta like Mpulungu, Siavonga and Chisense, Cooking Oil and Vegetables such as Rape, Tomatoes, Cabbage, dried beans. Prices of cooking oil, meat products, eggs and dried Kapenta are still ruling high.

Among the most essential foodstuffs, brisket and mixed cut recorded the highest year on year inflation rate both at 55%.   The fillet steak and rump steak were second and third respectively at 54.56% and 53.51%. The annual non-food inflation rate for July 2021 was recorded at 17.0 percent compared to 17.1% in June 2021. This was mainly due to price decline  in Clothing & Footwear, Men’s and Ladies leather shoes, Sports shoes, Boy’s school shoes & Miscellaneous goods and services such as Shampoo, Dettol, Umbrellas.

Meanwhile, a disaggregation of the annual inflation rate by province shows that the annual inflation rate for July, 2021 increased for Copperbelt at 24.0% from 23.6%, Eastern at 24.6% from 24.4%, and North Western at 23.3% from 21.4%. Annual inflation rate for July decreased for Central at 25.8% from 26.5%, Lusaka at 25.8% from 25.9%, Northern at 32.0% from 32.1% and Western province at 24.9% from 26.2%. Mupesa said Provincial annual inflation remained the same for Luapula and southern at 21.5 and 18.4 percent respectively.

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