Home East Africa Tanzania mini cabinet reshuffle

Tanzania mini cabinet reshuffle

  • The New PRESIDENT of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan undertook a mini cabinet reshuffle, sending a strong signal that underperformers will not be tolerated.
  •  In a bid to increase the efficiency of her government she has brought in four new faces and relocated nine others.

The New PRESIDENT of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan undertook a mini cabinet reshuffle, sending a strong signal that underperformers will not be tolerated. In a bid to increase the efficiency of her government she has brought in four new faces and relocated nine others.The reshuffle was announced after the swearing-in of the Vice-President Dr Philip Mpango. She also appointed three new members of the Parliament; the Ambassador Dr Bashiru Ally who was the Chief Secretary, Amb Liberata Mulamula and Ambassador Mbarouk Nassor Mbarouk.

In her new cabinet, Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa takes charge as the Minister of State in the President’s Office, Public Services Management and Good Governance. His predecessor  Mr George Mkuchika  was appointed Minister in the President’s Office without Portfolio.

Ms Ummy Mwalimu replaced Selemani Jafo in the President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Mr Jafo  has been appointed the Minister of State, Vice-President’s Office (Union and Environment).

President Samia  appointed Godfrey Mwambe the Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office Investment. Jenista Mhagama  remains as Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Prof Palamagamba Kabudi has taken over the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, replacing Dr Mwigulu Nchemba, who becomes the Minister for Finance and Planning. Amb Mulamula has been appointed as the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation while the Minister of State in the President’s Office-  Prof Kitila Mkumbo was transferred to the Industry and Trade portfolio.

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