Home Southern Africa Trade Unions in South Africa protests against anti-labor polices of SAA

Trade Unions in South Africa protests against anti-labor polices of SAA


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·        Members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and the South Africa Cabin Crew Association (SACCA) marched to the Kempton Park police station yesterday (December 2) to lay criminal charges against current and former executives and board members of South African Airways (SAA) and its subsidiary SAA Technical (SAAT)

·        The two unions alleged that board members and executives during the period of 2016 to 2020 failed to execute their fiduciary duties and for allowed  corruption to take place through white collar crime at these entities

·         Board did not take  any action when corruption, fraud and theft to took place – collapsing these entities

Members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and the South Africa Cabin Crew Association (SACCA) marched to the Kempton Park police station yesterday (December 2) to lay criminal charges against current and former executives and board members of South African Airways (SAA) and its subsidiary SAA Technical (SAAT).

The two unions alleged that board members and executives during the period of 2016 to 2020 failed to execute their fiduciary duties and for allowing  corruption to take place through white collar crime at these entities. Also, they said that the board did not take  any action when corruption, fraud and theft took place – collapsing these entities. This, they claim,  is the basic reason that led to its members losing their jobs. The unions lamented that someone should take responsibility for the loss of jobs of thousands of people because of the fraud and corruption committed by people who sat on the helm of affairs.

South African Airways is currently in business rescue and more than 3 000 of its almost 5 000 employees applied for voluntary severance packages and the rest are undergoing a retrenchment process which intends to leave only about 1 000 employees for an intended new, restructured SAA.

R2.2 billion of the R10.5 billion allocated by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in his mini budget is set to be paid out as severance packages to employees. When employees will receive any money, is as yet unclear.  SAA’s rescue practitioners had to stop paying salaries in May due to lack of funds.

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