Home East Africa Refugee Influx from Tigray region pouring into Sudan: rehabilitation a challenge

Refugee Influx from Tigray region pouring into Sudan: rehabilitation a challenge


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· Over 25,000 Ethiopian refugees have already stationed in Sudan, mainly those who have fled from Tigray region

· The report indicates that Sudan is struggling to rebuild a refugee camp to house the refugees

· Covid-19 also makes the effort difficult for the authorities to put in place all conveniences including medical help coupled with resource strains being faced by the country

The refugee problem is becoming menace for Sudan because of the influx of people from neighboring Ethiopia. According to sources, over 25,000 Ethiopian refugees have already been stationed in Sudan, mainly those who have fled from Tigray region, the Northern part of Ethiopia, where a civil war type of situation is prevailing.

The report indicates that Sudan is struggling to rebuild a refugee camp to house the refugees. Some of the settlement camps have sparse facilities. Sudanese authorities said that electricity has been installed at the camp sites. It will take at least 7 to 10 days of hard work to get everything in place. Covid-19 also makes the effort difficult for the authorities to put in place all conveniences including medical help coupled with resource strains being faced by the country.

The camps are coming up near the Amhara region of Ethiopia, which is remote from the main cities of Sudan, such as Gedaref. www.trendsnafrica.com has been updated about the conflict in the Trigray region. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered military operations in the region in response to an alleged attack on a federal base. That was only a flash point. Tensions were mounting for quite some time between the Federal government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front for quite some time, which many feel is owing to sidelining of the leaders from the region from the federal power circles.

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