Home East Africa Amnesty International alleges repression in Tanzania

Amnesty International alleges repression in Tanzania


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·        Amnesty International alleges that Tanzanian President John Magufuli’s government is actively repressing the political opposition as rapidly-passed laws restricting the freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association

·        The Amnesty alleges that this would control and stifle dissent

·        The international watch dog of peace and harmony alleges that the administration has been pursuing the policy since 2015, since Magufuli  got elected

Amnesty International alleges that Tanzanian President John Magufuli’s government is actively repressing the political opposition as rapidly-passed laws restricting the freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.   Amnesty alleges that this would control and stifle dissent. The international watch dog of peace and harmony alleges that the administration has been pursuing the policy since 2015, since Magufuli  got elected.

The seven-day detention of the ruling party’s main political opponent Tundu Lissu in early this month has also raised eyebrows. The move is construed as a stifling act to silence the opposition against the ruling party. The forthcoming election will decide whether the current president and Chama Cha Mapinduzi candidate will successfully be voted in by Tanzanians for a second term. His main opponent is   Lissu who belongs to the Chadema party.

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