Home Northern Africa 6th African Digital Summit in Casablanca

6th African Digital Summit in Casablanca

6th African Digital Summit in Casablanca

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The African Digital Summit (ADS) is returning to Morocco on 8 and 9 October 2024. The choice of Casablanca as the host city for the sixth edition is not surprising, given that it is the African capital of the digital revolution, with start-ups and very “tech” infrastructures. From artificial intelligence (AI) to cyber security and e-commerce, information and communication technologies (ICTs) will be haunting the 2,800 participants. At least 2,800 participants are expected to attend the sixth African Digital Summit (ADS), which opens on 8 October 2024 in Casablanca, Morocco.

Investors from 47 countries (27 of them African), as well as marketing, public relations and media professionals, are expected to attend this event organised by the Moroccan Association of Advertisers (GAM). They will be networking, learning, and sharing experiences on digital advances in sustainable development sectors (education, health, agriculture, transport, etc.) alongside “65 high-level speakers”.

There is no longer any doubt about the importance of digital technology on a global scale, and particularly in Africa. In agriculture, for example, digital solutions are making it possible to optimise irrigation using sensors and to disseminate weather data to farmers. And farmers are increasingly using mobile applications to sell their crops online. In the energy sector, the potential of digital technology is already being explored to provide practical solutions for solar energy production, battery storage, and management systems (to avoid wastage) in a context of low electrification and frequent load shedding in certain countries on the African continent.

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Prominent professionals include Daniel BÖ, CEO of the Paris-based Brand Content Institute. Ali Salhi, winner of the Google Cloud Awards and Loop’s Chief Technology Officer, will also be attending the Casablanca event in October. His US-based company uses AI and data to create car insurance products at fairer prices.