350 Million US $ Dollars has been allocated by the Global Fund to fight against HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and COVID-19 for the coming three years in Zambia. The Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Chairperson stated that the grant cycle will run from 2024 to 2026.
350 Million US $ Dollars has been allocated by the Global Fund to fight against HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and COVID-19 for the coming three years in Zambia. The Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Chairperson stated that the grant cycle will run from 2024 to 2026.
HIV programs received the highest allocation of US $ 251,027,914 followed by Malaria with US $ 77,243,020. Tuberculosis interventions received US $ 21,508,410 in the main allocation adding that a further US $ 12,400,000 has been allocated as catalytic matching funds to cater for pre-exposure prophylaxis and community systems strengthening and response. US $ 32, 350,375 million for COVID-19 funds in a separate stream of applications from the support of the three diseases.
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Zambia is a key country in the global fight against the three diseases. This is due in part to the significant disease burdens it has for malaria and HIV. The country has the world’s sixth-highest malaria incidence, a growing number of MDR-TB cases, and an estimated one-and-a-half million people living with HIV.