Home Central Africa Piggery farms to get benefited from drone technology in Rwanda

Piggery farms to get benefited from drone technology in Rwanda


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  • Senegal elections have taken a curious turn while ruling party and the coalition of opposition parties claiming victory before the formal announcement of the election results




Senegal elections have taken a curious turn with the ruling party and the coalition of opposition parties  claiming victory before the formal announcement of the election results.

. Zipline, the company behind the project,  has been operating it since the beginning of this year. The company is  working closely with  the Rwandan Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB)

The aim of this programme is to increase livestock production to boost Rwanda’s food self-sufficiency. The new method could also reduce the risk of transmissible diseases, such as African swine fever. Farmers have significantly increased pig production with this drone-transported pig semen. With the drone delivery, semen is received on time and the farmer can be assured of the right breed.

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Smallholders pay between US $6.50 and US$10 US to inseminate a female pig and the drone transport is paid for by the government. To double the estimated population of 1.8 million pigs, RAB, has set itself the target of inseminating more than 150,000 pigs per year using drones.

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